Cro and I traveled north to meet the exotic animal breeder Saturday
morning. We didn't think to account for the hour difference in time
between Chicago and Indianapolis so we were an hour early. Oops. We had
our iPhones & iPad with us so we had plenty to entertain ourselves
while we waited.
When the breeder arrived we got to
meet the babies, and get a peek at the coatimundi in her front seat
carrier too. (Cro was interested and pointed that out when I was all
attention on the babies and wouldn't have noticed). The breeder handled
each joey to show us that they were healthy and were both girls
(pointing out the pockets on each). She then tucked them back into the
fabric bag for the trip home. They grumbled a bit when we would go over a
bump in the road. So cute! When they grumble it is called "crabbing".
Appropriate. I kept the bag of babies close so they would feel they were
being held securely and they slept. :)
Upon arriving
home, Cro checked them over to be sure they had all their toes and no
injuries. He has cared for sugar gliders in the past but this is all new
to me. Again they crabbed. This is where their individual personalities
began to show. One seems more placid and shy, the other more grumbly
and outgoing. Cro left it to me to choose the names and though I had
several in mind, it soon became clear to me that the calm one was
Fuchsbau and the grumbly one was Jägerbär.
Fooks & Gerber. :)
advised that we place them in a warm pouch and not bother them for at
least a full day and night (so they could adjust to the new home not
have additional stress). They stayed in that pouch for the rest of the
day and didn't even venture out that night (they are nocturnal), We did
leave a shallow bowl of water mixed with Pedialyte and some crushed dry
protein in another little bowl.
I recorded a few of
their vocalizations during the night. One is of the crabbing noise and
is probably Gerber. The other is a little fussing sound and is Fooks.
They both make both noises but Gerber is usually the one to crab the
most (GRRber). :)
The next day they actually came out to explore! and ate some of the
fresh protein and fruit-n-veggie mix that we provided. They both drank
too. Though I find myself worrying (typical mommy, right?), they are doing just fine so far.
:) They chose to sleep in the elevated food dish today, lol. It didn't have food in it, so why not sleep there if they like!
Freaked out!! But Cro wanted to count their toes and
look for injury before we transfered them to their habitat. |
Fooks is all good! |
The new home. Two cloth pouches for sleeping can be seen. |
Fooks. She is lighter and has golder tones. |
Grrber. She is the slightly darker silver (no gold) sister. |
They were sleeping in the food dish this morning! |
Listen for Gerber to start crabbing at :19
Listen to Fooks fussing in the dark 0:00 to :06:
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